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Board of Directors

Dr Chris Giles


BSc(Hons),PhD, MAIG

Technical Director

Chris Giles is an internationally experienced exploration geologist having been directly involved in exploration programs resulting in the discovery of several operating gold mines in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, Tanzania, and the Tanami and the Eastern Goldfields regions of Australia. Chris was a founding member of Havilah Resources Limited and has played a key role in the strategic accumulation of the Group’s mineral tenement holding in the Curnamona Province region of northeastern South Australia. As the
Technical Director for Havilah Resources Limited, Chris has been responsible for ground selection and overseeing exploration programs contributing to the delineation of 8 new mineral resources within this tenement area, resulting in Havilah’s present JORC Mineral Resource inventory. Chris is an Executive Director and
continues to provide technical guidance within the business. Chris is a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and is a resident of Adelaide.

Victor Previn


B.Eng (Electrical)

Non-executive Director

Victor Previn is a professional engineer and one of the original founders of Nova Eye Medical Limited (formerly Ellex Medical Lasers Limited). It is listed on the ASX as EYE. His career spans more than 30 years in the laser industry. Victor was responsible for developing and commercialising the technology platform that is now the core of Nova Eye Medical Limited’s current production. He has spent more than 3 decades in the ophthalmic laser industry travelling widely throughout Asia, Europe and the USA in a business development capacity. Victor is a long-term shareholder of Havilah and resides in Adelaide

Simon Gray



Director and Company Secretary

Simon has over 35 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant and 20 years as a Partner with Grant Thornton, a national accounting firm. During his last five years at the firm, he was responsible for the Grant Thornton Mining and Energy group. Simon retired from active practice during July 2015. His key expertise lies in audit and risk, valuations, due diligence and ASX Listings. Simon currently serves as the Company Secretary of Nova Eye Medical Limited (ASX: EYE), and Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of Vintage Energy Ltd (ASX: VEN). Simon is also a Director of several unlisted companies. Simon is a resident of Adelaide.

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