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Havilah controls more than 11,000 km² of mineral tenements in the Curnamona Province in northeastern South Australia. This highly mineralised region is host to the largest lead-zinc deposit in the world at Broken Hill. Havilah’s cost-effective exploration over the last two decades has been very successful in delineating a JORC Mineral Resource metal inventory of 1.3 million tonnes of copper, 3.2 million ounces of gold, 43,400 tonnes of cobalt and 451 million tonnes of iron ore, plus appreciable molybdenum, sulphur, tin, uranium, beryllium, tungsten and rare earth elements.

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Curnamona Copperbelt (north of the Barrier Highway and transcontinental railway line)


The Curnamona Copperbelt is a world-class copper-gold-cobalt province, with widespread sulphide mineralisation typically occurring in a 100-150 metre thick carbonate-rich horizon at a major redox boundary, including the large Kalkaroo copper-gold orebody. The geological setting is similar to the Zambian Copperbelt, with the following striking geological analogies:


  • Regionally extensive copper mineralised 'prospective horizon' at a major redox boundary;

  • Metasediments folded into a series of granite-cored domes;

  • Ore grades where structural disruption and preparation ('broken rocks'); and

  • Persistent cobalt association, but gold is an added bonus in South Australia.


The map above and the aeromagnetic image below shows the prospective horizon extending for over 200 km around several major structural domes. Aeromagnetics clearly identifies the redox boundary and the position of the prospective mineralised horizon beneath the extensive younger sedimentary cover.

Havilah's regional exploration has identified at least seven prospects with economically significant copper, gold and other metal drill intersections that are of a scale to potentially host a Kalkaroo size deposit (that is, greater than 1 million tonnes of copper and 3 million ounces of gold) as shown on the aeromagnetic image below and described in various ASX releases, namely: Johnson Dam, Deep Well, Homestead, Kalkaroo North Dome, Eurinilla Dome, Croziers and Birksgate.  

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Mutooroo Project Area (mostly south of the Barrier Highway and Transcontinental railway line)


In the Mutooroo Project Area copper-cobalt sulphide mineralisation mostly occurs in well defined shear and lode structures in high grade metamorphic rocks similar to those hosting the giant Broken Hill lead-zinc deposit (eg Mutooroo). Within this district there are numerous historic copper prospects, which  Havilah has been systematically following up with mapping, sampling and drilling. Some of the drilling results achieved by Havilah at several promising prospects are shown on the map below and described in various ASX releases, namely: Cockburn, Mingary Mine and King Dam. There is exceptionally high prospectivity for new copper-cobalt sulphide resources that are within trucking distance of a future central processing hub at the Mutooroo deposit.


Braemar Iron Formation projects


Havilah holds several large iron ore deposits at MaldorkyGrants Grants Basin.  and MacDonald Hill that are hosted by the Braemar Iron Formation within the Neoproterozoic cover sequence. All projects are in close proximity to heavy duty rail links to the Spencer Gulf ports of Whyalla, Port Augusta and Port Pirie (and also Port Waratah and Port Kembla to the east).

Uranium projects


Havilah's northern tenements lie between the Beverley-4 Mile and Honeymoon uranium mines and are highly prospective for sand-hosted uranium deposits associated with ancient (now buried) river channel systems. Havilah holds a substantial equity in Koba Resources (KOB) who have joint ventured into Havilah tenements that cover the Oban deposit and several tens of kilometres of the Yarramba palaeochannel downstream from the Honeymoon deposit as shown on the map below. Similarly Havilah holds a major shareholding in Heavy Rare Earths Limited (HRE) who have joint ventured some of its other promising uranium projects, including Radium Hill,  Prospect Hill and the  Billeroo palaeochannel both downstream and upstream of Boss Energy's Goulds Dam deposit plus the Namba palaeochannel, where extensive sand-hosted uranium was found in previous drilling. Havilah retains 100% ownership of the Johnson Dam hard rock uranium project near Kalkaroo and the Coolibah palaeochannel to the north.

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Summary of governance arrangements and internal controls in place for the reporting of Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources


Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources are estimated by suitably qualified employees and consultants in accordance with the JORC Code, using industry standard techniques and internal guidelines for the estimation and reporting of Ore Reserves and Mineral Resources. These estimates and the supporting documentation were reviewed by suitably qualified Competent Persons prior to inclusion here.


Competent Person’s Statement


The information in this website that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves is based on data compiled by geologist, Dr Chris Giles, a Competent Person who is a member of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Dr Giles is a Director of the Company, a full-time employee and is a substantial shareholder. Dr Giles has sufficient experience, which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit and activities described herein, to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Dr Giles consents to the inclusion in this website of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Information for the Kalkaroo Ore Reserve and Mineral Resource and the Mutooroo Inferred cobalt and gold Mineral Resources complies with the JORC Code 2012. All other information was prepared and first disclosed under the JORC Code 2004 on the basis that the information has not materially changed since it was last reported. Havilah confirms that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the reserves and resources continue to apply and have not materially changed.

Exploration drilling commenced at Kalkar
Johnson Dam Prospect Positive Drilling Results
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Deep Well Drilling Returns Encouraging New Copper & Critical Minerals Results
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High Grade Copper Drilling Results At Eurinilla Dome







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