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Prospect Hill


Current  Status


The Prospect Hill tin project, located on the northern margins of the Flinders Ranges, is South Australia’s largest known tin resource. Previous shallow drilling by Marathon Petroleum during the early 1980’s established an inferred resource of 172,000 tonnes of 1.15% tin to a vertical depth of 50 metres and over a strike length of 280 metres on the South Ridge prospect.

Havilah entered into a joint venture during September 2007 with the tenement holders, whereby it may earn up to an 85% interest in the tenement by completing a feasibility study. Subsequently, Havilah completed two rounds of reverse circulation percussion drilling, with encouraging results. The higher grade tin mineralisation often occurs within broader lower grade tin halos and may be associated with potentially economic grades of copper, lead, zinc and silver. Preliminary metallurgical test work on three composite drill chip samples has confirmed that more than 80% of the tin, which is mostly present as free cassiterite grains, can be effectively recovered by gravity processing methods.




More recent soil sampling has identified outcropping spectacular massive to semi-massive tin lodes up to 0.5 metres wide in several places. A new PACE-sponsored drilling program is planned in the near future to specifically target these high grade lodes.

Given the exploration potential and favourable metallurgy, Prospect Hill has good prospects for developing into South Australia’s first modern tin mine.







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